
Published June 20, 2013

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What is Kelp?

Kelp or ‘bladderwrack’ (Fucus vesiculosus) is a type of seaweed that is naturally rich in the trace mineral iodine. Iodine is required in small amounts for the proper functioning of our thyroid gland as it is an essential component of the two primary thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).Our thyroid gland, located in the neck, controls our growth and the rate at which our body uses energy (metabolism). Through its role in the production of thyroid hormones and healthy thyroid function, adequate iodine may help to maintain normal regulation of body weight.

Why your body needs Kelp?

Sufficient thyroid function is so important for the regulation of metabolic processes in our bodies and is reliant on adequate iodine. If our thyroid function is sluggish, our metabolism may suffer leading to a number of symptoms like fatigue, cold intolerance and weight gain. Kelp is a natural source of this essential trace mineral and may assist in the maintenance of healthy thyroid function and consequently normal metabolism and regulation of body weight.

Where can I find Kelp?

You can find kelp in Nature’s Own Deep Sea Kelp 1000mg.

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